By Dr. Gerard Muraida Caffeine is considered the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world. It belongs to a chemical class of stimulants called methylxanthines, which exert stimulatory effects on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and...
A Chile a Day May Help Keep Medical Conditions at Bay
By Dr. Gerard Muraida Your grandmother may have been correct in offering chiles to a sick family member or friend. The remedios of the past have scientific basis for their health claims. Many medical and nutritional journals report various benefits of consuming chile,...
The Best 2022 Fitness Plan? One You’ll Do
By Liz Otero Whether because of holiday indulgences or the quarantine 15, many people are ready to get into shape and take control of their health. However, even as we resolve to eat better, exercise more, and make positive lifestyle changes in the new year, we often...
Resolve for 2022 to Be Kind and Smile
By Dr. Gerard Muraida Every year we pledge to ourselves that the new year will bring a change for the better. Let’s begin 2022 with positive thinking and practicing kindness not only to others but also to ourselves. This may begin by refraining from setting...
Senior Scams
Editor’s Note: If it seems like Prime Time has given more print than usual to scam stories this year, we have. While we work hard to provide you with diverse content each month, we also believe more is more when it comes to keeping you informed about how to protect...
Owning A Dog Can Be Healthy
Dogs love unconditionally, they fill our hearts with joy, and often are considered to be cherished family members as much as any human. However, dogs also provide health and wellness benefits that may go unrecognized by those lucky enough to be around a dog on a...